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Fahad Ul Hassan

Get in Touch
Home: Welcome

My Skill Set

Agile Solutions

Man Holding Laptop
Quiet Desk
Two Computer Screens


An Ideal Framework

Front-End Development

Exceeding Expectations


Committed to Quality

Home: Services

Client List

From Personal Websites to Big Businesses

Client 8


This is your client’s testimonial quote. It’s a great opportunity to give visitors a firsthand perspective of your services by sharing actual reviews from companies you’ve worked with in the past.

Client 2


This is your client’s testimonial quote. It’s a great opportunity to give visitors a firsthand perspective of your services by sharing actual reviews from companies you’ve worked with in the past.

Client 3


This is your client’s testimonial quote. It’s a great opportunity to give visitors a firsthand perspective of your services by sharing actual reviews from companies you’ve worked with in the past.

Client 5


This is your client’s testimonial quote. It’s a great opportunity to give visitors a firsthand perspective of your services by sharing actual reviews from companies you’ve worked with in the past.

Home: Clients

My Latest Projects

A Variety of Challenges


Platform Upgrade

When it came to this project, I used my obsessive attention to detail to create an outstanding product. This project is a great example of my versatility and expertise as a results-driven Mobile App Developer.

System Redesign

I’m really proud of my work on this project, which was something my client had been struggling with for a long time, without much progress. I was brought in to troubleshoot and take the project down the home stretch.

Linear Abstract Pattern

I am available to hire and open to all types of collaboration.

Get in Touch
Home: Recent Work

Let’s Chat

500 Terry Francois Street San Francisco, CA 94158


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